Thanks! That's very helpful

Board Games - family, party, some new - San Mateo, California, United States

Kittens San Mateo, California, United States
15 $  


condition: new

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These board games are part of my personal collection. Some of them I am more motivated to sell than others. For the most part, prices are firm. A small discount may be possible for purchasing 1+ games. Pick-up in San Mateo near downtown. Can sometimes meet in the SF Sunset district/parkside. ***KIDS/FAMILY - Party / Casual Games*** Wits and Wagers Party edition - $15 Scattergories - $10 Monopoly Deal (new) - $5 Oh Snap! - $20 Blank Slate - $25 Really Bad Art - $25 Throw Throw Burrito (new) - $20 Throw Throw Burrito (used) - $15 Throw Throw Burrito Outdoor (open box) - $25 Tsuro - $20 When I Dream - $20 Pass the Pen pictionary game - $10 Spot It - $7 Sequence - $10 Spite and Malice - $20 Stratego - $10 The Chameleon - $15 Lost Cities card game - $18 Snakessss - $10 Wise and Otherwise - $10 Buzzword (new) - $15 Cash n Guns (open box) - $30 The Magic Labyrinth (new) - $40 Scotland Yard (new, older edition) - $30 Family Feud - $5 Speed Charades - $12 Brix (connect four game) - $12 Snappy Dressers - $5 Incan Gold: Quest for Riches in the Ruins - $25 Clumsy Thief - $10 Sling Put - $20 Looney Labs Fluxx 5.0 Card Game (new) - $15 Family Feud platinum edition - $15 Same Same But Different (new/sealed) - $12 Telestrations - $15 Shake Up - $15 Anomia (new) - $15 Game of Set - $10 Dixit (orange box) - $30 Funglish - $15 ***KIDS/FAMILY - Strategy Games*** Ticket to Ride: $35 Ticket to Ride First Journey - $25 Ticket to Ride Ghost Town (new) - $20 King of Tokyo - $25 Meadow (new) - $30 Forbidden Island - $10 Reef - $30 Oregon Trail - $30 Oregon Trail card game - $10 Kingdomino Giant Version - $30 High Society - $25 Wingspan (new/open box) - $40 Marvel Villainous - $20 Villainous Disney expansions (new/sealed) - $20 each Pizza Theory - $12 Mini Rails (Train game) (new) - $20 Trambahn 2-player train game - $15 Santorini - $30 Bohnanza (new/sealed) - $20 ***ADVANCED (age 10+) - Party / Casual Games*** Exploding Kittens (standard or NSFW) - $15 Zombie Kittens - $15 Unstable Unicorns - $15 Llamas Unleashed - $15 You've Got Crabs (new/open box) - $15 Cards Against Humanity - $12 Incohearant - $12 Telestrations After Dark (new/sealed) - $25 What Do you Meme? - $12 That's What She Said (new) - $12 Imaginiff - $10 One Night Werewolf - $15 One Night Vampire (new/sealed) - $15 The Resistance + expansion (both new/sealed) - $20 Hoax - $15 Codenames - $10 Codenames Pictures - $20 Codenames Marvel Edition - $20 Concept (missing some cubes) - $10 Trivial Pursuit: Bet You Knew It (New) - $25 Balderdash - $15 Outburst Remix - $10 Apples to Apples Rotten - $10 Ask the Internet Questions - $10 The Voting Game - $15 Bar Quiz trivia + celebrity name game - $7 Rick and Morty Total Rickall - $10 Rick and Morty Anatomy Park - $20 Medium - $15 Codex: Bashing vs Finesse Starter Set - $25 Trivillennial - $10 Loaded Questions party ed (new/sealed) - $15 Freedom of Speech - $15 ***ADVANCED (age 10+) - Strategy Games*** Pandemic - $20 Saboteur 2 (new) - $10 Chinese checkers - $7 Dragonwood - $12 The Boss - $25 Shinobi Clans - $15 Spy Alley - $20 Viva Java the Coffee Dice Game - $20 Meeple War - $30 Munchkins - $10 Marvel Munchkins - $15 Munchkin Legends - $20 Charterstone (played once already) - $10 Paper Tales - $25 Mr Jack - $20 Vivid Memories - $40 Dead til Dawn - $30 Eternal Kings - $35 Keyforge Worlds Collide 2-player starter - $15 Puerto Rico - $50 Bang the Dice Game - $12 Fantasy Fantasy Baseball - $25 Century: Spice Road (new/sealed) - $35 Smash Up (new/sealed) - $25 7 Wonders Duel (new/sealed) - $25 Iberian Rails - $30 Power Grid - $40 Akropolis (new/sealed) - $25 Betrayal at House on the Hill - $40 Mysterium - $35 Covalence chemistry game (new/sealed) - $12 Booze Barons (new/sealed) - $25 Akropolis (new/sealed) - $35 Bohnanza - $15 ~~~~~RARE + COLLECTOR'S GAMES~~~~~ Monopoly Nightmare Before Christmas - $40 Hey That's My Fish (1st edition, new, 2003) - $30 Hey That's My Fish (Deluxe edition w/ 16 penguin figurines) - $50 Dungeon Run - $80 Summoner Wars - $100 Reiner Knizia's Poison (new) - $40 Monopoly: The Simpsons Treehouse of Horror Monopoly (new/sealed) - $100 Monopoly: Pokemon (1998) - $20 Phase 10 Dice Version (1999, new/sealed) - $40 Black Sheep (new/sealed) - $25 Nothing Personal Dice Tower game (new/sealed) - $70 Pick-up in San Mateo near downtown. Link to my craigslist sales page (other items I'm selling):

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Views 33
Listing id 29085
Post date 09/13/2023 08:44

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